Research Article

Effect of dietary supplementation of vegetable oil and quercetin on haematologicalindices and gut attributes in broiler chickens

  • Views: 164
  • Pages: 139-146
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Received -  07.03.2022, Accepted -  31.05.2022, Published -  01.06.2022

Citation:  Parmar AB, Patel VR, Padheriya YD, AP Raval AP, Rathwa SD and Patel SS , 2022. Effect of dietary supplementation of vegetable oil and quercetin on haematologicalindices and gut attributes in broiler chickens. Indian J Anim Health, 61(1): 139-146, doi:


Quercetin is a flavanol compound having strong antioxidant along with lipid metabolism modulating potential.Present biological experiment was conducted to assess the effect of dietary supplementation of vegetable oil with or without quercetin on haematological indices and gut attributes in broilers. Total 192 number 7 days old Vencobb 400 strain broiler chicks were randomly assigned in to four dietary treatment groups (48 chicks/group) comprise of four replicates in each for 35 days (7th to 42nd day). T1 serves as control, fed basal diet without any supplementation. Basal diet incorporated with quercetin (1 g/kg), vegetable oil (to raise the 10% of ME) and combination of both were supplied to group T2, T3 and T4, respectively. Results shown that the haematological indices were positively influenced (p<0.05) by quercetin supplementation compare to control (T1) and inclusion of vegetable oil (T3). Combination of quercetin and vegetable oil (T4) revealed intermediate findings and found comparable with either groups. The length of intestinal segments and caecal pH were not affected (p>0.05) with the dietary treatments. Thus, inclusion of vegetable oil (with 10% raised ME level) resulting an alteration in haematological indices. The quercetin supplementation effectively counteracts the altered haematological indices on dietary inclusion of oil in broilers. However, either of supplementation did not have any effect on gut attributes.


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