Research Article

Sex-specific reference intervals for Wistar albino rats: hematology and clinical biochemistry

  • Views: 318
  • Pages: 58 - 65
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Received -  01.05.2021, Accepted -  26.05.2021, Published -  01.06.2021

Citation:  Vigneshwar R, Arivuchelvan A, Mekala P and Imayarasi K, 2021. Sex-specific reference intervals for Wistar albino rats: hematology and clinical biochemistry. Indian J Anim Health, 60(1): 58-65, doi: 10.36062/ijah.60.1.2021.58-65


Wistar albino rats are the most commonly used laboratory rats for pharmacological, toxicological and physiological experimental studies. Standardization of reference intervals for clinically important hematological and biochemical parameters would help the researchers to compare their study results using Wistar rats as an experimental animal for evaluating health status and organ functions. In this study, we investigated hematology and common clinical biochemistry values in adult male and female Wistar rats (n=36). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for a complete blood count. Serum samples were analyzed for glucose, total protein, lipid profile, electrolytes, liver function tests, and kidney function tests. Mean values of different parameters among males and females were compared by paired t-test for statistical significance. This study demonstrates significant differences between genders for many parameters such as mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC; 35.43 g/dL in male and 38 g/dL in female), percentage of monocytes (7.63% in male and 6.54% in female), lipid profile (high levels of triglycerides, LDL and VLDL cholesterols in male), levels of serum sodium (136.81 meq/L in male and 145.62 meq/L in female) and liver enzymes. These reference values may help to verify results using Wistar rats as a model.


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