West Bengal Veterinary Association :

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PUBLISHER: Dr. Subir Kumar Basu Address:West Bengal Veterinary Association, 68, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata- 700037, West Bengal, India
Email: ijahwbva2010@gmail.com
Telephone: +919051585341

Dr. Joycee Jogi


Editorial Board Member

Office/Residential Address :

Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science & A. H., Mhow- 453 446, M.P., India

Email :


Mobile :

+91 9424114441; +91 77730

Institution :

College of Veterinary Science & A. H., Mhow

Rank/Designation :

Associate Professor

Member Homepage :


SSRN Profile :


Best 5 Articles In Last 10 Years :

J. Jogi, A. Nayak, A. Rai, P. Shakya, R. Gangil, S. Bordoloi, A. Lade, K. Himani (2022). Cloning and Expression Studies of the Major Outer Membrane Protein (OmpH) Gene of Pasteurella multocida P52 in Prokaryotic Vector. Indian Journal of Animal Research, DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4887 (NAAS rating 6.40)


J. Jogi, A. Nayak, A. Rai, P. Shakya, R. Gangil, R. Sikrodia, D. Chhabra, R. Sharda, K. Rawat and S. Bordoloi (2022). The adjuvant potential of Deuterium in subunit vaccine prepared from outer membrane protein of Pasteurella multocida. Annals of Forest Research, 65 (1):7889-7897 (NAAS rating 7.52)


Joycee Jogi and Kajal Jadav (2022). Sequence variation of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for species identification of chital meat and its differentiation from meat of domestic herbivores by PCR-RFLP. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 11 (6): 2742-2744 (NAAS rating 5.23)


J. Jogi, A. Nayak, A. Rai and Amita Dubey (2022). Immunoprotection in mice immunized with native OmpH, recombinant OmpH and HS alum precipitated vaccine of Pasteurella multocida P52 against P. multocida challenge. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 61: 436-441(NAAS rating 6.9)


A. Lade, J. Jogi, A. Nayak, R.V. Singh, A. Rai, P. Shakya, K. Himani, S. Bordoloi (2022). Coexpression of Methicillin-resistant S. aureus and ESBL Producing E. coli in Mastitic Milk of Buffaloes. Indian Journal of Animal Research, DOI: 10.18805/IJAR.B-4835 (NAAS rating 6.4)

Awards :

Best Poster presentation award on the topic entitled “Assessment of Risk Factors Associated with Canine Parvovirus Infection in Dogs.” in 4th National conference (SVAHE-2022) organized by Department of Vety. And AH Extension Education DGCN college of veterinary and animal sciences, CSKHPKV, Palampur (H.P.) on May 6-8, 2022


“Inspiring Lady Veterinarian Award 2021” under Academia Award category for significant contribution to the society & upliftment of Veterinaryprofessionon08th March, 2020


“IMRF Best Scientist Award” in Veterinary Microbiology by Committee on International Multidisciplinary      Research Foundation Academic Excellence Awards on 21st Sep, 2020


BestOralPaperPresentationin17th National Congress on Canine Practice & national Symposium on “Maximising Diagnosis, Therapy and Welfare in Canine Practice in Current Scenario” 21st - 23rd Jan, 2020.