West Bengal Veterinary Association :

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User counts
233801 visits

PUBLISHER: Dr. Subir Kumar Basu Address:West Bengal Veterinary Association, 68, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata- 700037, West Bengal, India
Email: ijahwbva2010@gmail.com
Telephone: +919051585341

Dr. Subhasish Bandyopadhyay


Editorial Board Member

Office/Residential Address :

Division of parasitology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly- 243 122, UP, India

Email :

subuicar@gmail.com; subhasish.b@icar.gov.in

Mobile :

+91 8582854451

Institution :

ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute

Rank/Designation :

Head, Division of Parasitology

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Member Homepage :


Best 5 Articles In Last 10 Years :

S. Bandyopadhyay, P. Pal, D. Bhattacharya, A. K. Bera, , D. Pan and H. Rahman (2010). A report on the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in yaks (Bos poephagus) in the cold desert area of North Sikkim, India. Tropical Animal Health and Production 42 : 119-121 DOI: 10.1007/s11250-009-9394-8


Bandyopadhyay, S., Mandal, S. ,Datta, K.K., Devi, P, De, S., Bera, A.K. and Bhattacharya, D. (2010). Economic Analysis of Risk of Gastrointestinal Parasite Infection in Cattle in North Eastern States of India. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 42(7) : 1481 DOI: 10.1007/s11250-010-9582-6


S. Bandyopadhyay, A.K. Bera, S. Sikdar, S. De, S. Das, T. Rana, D. Pan, S. Bandyopadhyay† and D. Bhattacharya (2011). Intra-species variability in ITS-1 sequences of Haemonchus contortus isolated from goats in West Bengal, India. Journal of Helminthology. Jun;85(2):204-9 doi:10.1017/S0022149X10000465


Amit K Chattopadhyay and Subhasish Bandyopadhyay (2013). Seasonal variations of EPG Levels in gastro-intestinal parasitic infection in a southeast asian controlled locale: a statistical analysis. SpringerPlus 2013, 2:205 doi:10.1186/2193-1801-2-205


Bera AK, Rana T, Das S, Bandyopadhyay S, Bhattacharya D, Pan D, De S, Das SK. (2010). L-Ascorbate protects rat hepatocytes against sodium arsenite-induced cytotoxicity and oxidative damage. Hum Exp Toxicol. 29(2):103-11. PMID: 20028703