West Bengal Veterinary Association :

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User counts
228371 visits

PUBLISHER: Dr. Subir Kumar Basu Address:West Bengal Veterinary Association, 68, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata- 700037, West Bengal, India
Email: ijahwbva2010@gmail.com
Telephone: +919051585341

Dr. Aloke Mukhopadhyay


Editorial Board Member

Office/Residential Address :

DC-102, F-201, Action Area-1, New Town, Kolkota-700156, West bengal, India

Email :


Mobile :

+91 9434387519

Institution :

Former Registrar, West Bengal Veterinary Council

Rank/Designation :

Former Registrar, West Bengal Veterinary Council

Awards :

Received Fakhhruddin Ali Ahmed Award for the biennium 1988-89 from ICAR