West Bengal Veterinary Association :

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User counts
233800 visits

PUBLISHER: Dr. Subir Kumar Basu Address:West Bengal Veterinary Association, 68, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata- 700037, West Bengal, India
Email: ijahwbva2010@gmail.com
Telephone: +919051585341

Dr. P. N. Raju


Editorial Board Member

Office/Residential Address :

Room No. 108, Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001, Haryana, India

Email :

pnr.ndri@gmail.com; narender.p@icar.gov.in

Mobile :

+91 9896038983

Institution :

ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana

Rank/Designation :

Senior Scientist

Member Homepage :


Best 5 Articles In Last 10 Years :

Kumar M, Panjagari NR, Kanade PP, Singh AK, Badola R, Ganguly S, Behare PV, Sharma R and Alam T, 2018. Sodium caseinate-starch-modified montmorillonite based biodegradable film: Laboratory food extruder assisted exfoliation and characterization. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 15: 17-27


Panwar S, Panjagari NR, Singh AK, Deshwal GK, Badola R, Minz PS, Goksen G, Rusu A and Trif M, 2022. Electrospun smart oxygen indicating tag for modified atmosphere packaging applications: Fabrication, characterization and storage stability. Polymers, 14(10): 2108


Jotarkar PS, Panjagari NR, Singh AK and Arora S, 2018. Effect of whey protein-iron based edible coating on the quality of Paneer and process optimisation. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 71(2): 395-407


Deshwal GK, Ameta R, Sharma H, Singh AK, Panjagari NR and Baria B, 2020. Effect of ultrafiltration and fat content on chemical, functional, textural and sensory characteristics of goat milk-based Halloumi type cheese. LWT, 126: 109341


Thomas E, Panjagari NR, Ganguly S, Rashmi HM, Swetha DPV and Singh, AK, 2023. Effect of flaxseed lignan on the dynamics of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and starter cultures in fermented milk. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, doi: 10.1111/ijfs.16466

Awards :

Associate Fellow of the National Academy of Dairy Science (India) since 2018


Best Teacher Award at the 17th Convocation of the National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University), Karnal in the year 2019


Young Scientist Award at the International Conference on Functional Dairy Foods organized by the Dairy Technology Society of India and NDRI, Karnal during November 2011


Best Research Project Award at the National Students Research Convention (ANVESHAN) organized by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi at Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur West Bengal during 2009


Best Presentation Award at the10thInternational Conference on Fermented Foods, Health Status and Social Well-Being organized by University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and SASNET on Fermented Foods in hybrid mode on 17th and 18th December 2021


Best Oral Presentation Award at three days International Conference on ‘Advances in Agricultural, veterinary and Allied Sciences for Improving Livelihood and Environmental Security (AAVASILES-2022) organized by University of Kashmir, Srinagar during September 28-30, 2022


Several Best Poster Awards at the National Conferences organized by the AFSTI, Mysore; IDA, New Delhi; NIFTEM, Kundli, Haryana and others