West Bengal Veterinary Association :

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User counts
237750 visits

PUBLISHER: Dr. Subir Kumar Basu Address:West Bengal Veterinary Association, 68, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata- 700037, West Bengal, India
Email: ijahwbva2010@gmail.com
Telephone: +919051585341

Prof. Supratim Chowdhury


Editorial Board Member

Office/Residential Address :

Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, WBUAFS, 5, B.H. Road, P.O.: Panchasayar, Chakgaria, Kolkata-700094, West Bengal, India

Email :

supratimchowdhury@yahoo.co.in; supratimchowdhury4u@gmail.com

Mobile :

+91 9432869286

Institution :

Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences

Rank/Designation :


SSRN Profile :


Best 5 Articles In Last 10 Years :

Banerjee SP, Dora KC and Chowdhury S, 2013. Detection, partial purification and characterization of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus brevis FPTLB3 isolated from freshwater fish. Journal of Food Science and Technology 50: 17-25, doi:10.1007/s13197-011-0240-4


Chowdhury S, Raychaudhuri U, Nath S and Dora KC, 2016. Shelf life of lactic acid bacteria inoculated vacuum packed Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822) at low temperature. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 63(1), doi: 10.21077/ijf.2016.63.1.27811-25


Siddhnath, Ranjan A, Mohanty BP, Saklani P, Dora KC and Chowdhury S, 2022. Dry fish and its contribution towards food and nutritional security. Food Reviews International, 38: 4, 508-536, doi: 10.1080/87559129.2020.1737708


Pati K, Chowdhury S, Dora KC, Murmu P and Nath S, 2022. Effects of zinc oxide nano particle on fortified tilapia mince during refrigerated storage (4 ± 1 °C). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59: 3976-3988 (2022), doi: 10.1007/s13197-022-05433-0


Karki S, Chowdhury S, Dora KC, Prasanta Murmu P and Nath S, 2023. Influence of a traditional herb (Bergenia ciliata) from Darjeeling Himalayas on lipid oxidation and sensorial quality of sous-vide cooked tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, doi: 10.1080/10498850.2023.2199734

Awards :

Best Teacher – 2016 (


2nd Rank in B.F.Sc. – Certificate of Appreciation, WBUAFS, Kolkata


Certificate of Appreciation for Co-ordinator, IIRS-ISRO Outreach Programme, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO