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PUBLISHER: Dr. Subir Kumar Basu Address:West Bengal Veterinary Association, 68, Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata- 700037, West Bengal, India
Email: ijahwbva2010@gmail.com
Telephone: +919051585341


Workshop on 10.04.2025



Career Development in Veterinary and Animal Sciences 


Organised by: Indian Journal of Animal Health


Venue: West Bengal Veterinary Council Building, Belgachia, Kolkata



Date: 10th April, 2025 (Thursday)


Link of Registration:


Last date for Registration: 01.04.2025


Tentative Schedule





9.00 AM


Registration of Participants and distribution of workshop kits (Registration fees Rs.50/-) Maximum registration = 80 nos




9.30 AM

Inaugural Session

  1. Keynote address by the Editor
  2. Address by Vice Chancellor on the Future of Veterinary and Animal Sciences in India

Editor of IJAH

Dr. T. K. Datta, Vice-Chancellor, WBUAFS

Session Coordinator: Dr. Aloke Mukherjee, FormerRegistrar,West Bengal Veterinary Council





10.00 AM



Scopes of Technology Transfer

Overview of emerging career opportunities in Research, Extension & Clinical Practice in Veterinary Sciences

Chairman: Prof. Sitangsu Mohan Deb, Emeritus Professor, ICAR, WBUAFS

Co-Chairman: Dr. Arun Kumar Das, PS, ICAR-IVRI, ERS, Kolkata

Session Coordinator: Dr. Joydip Mukherjee, Head, Dept .of Vety, Physiology, WBUAFS

(i) Speaker: Dr. Divakar Hemadri, Assistant Director General (Animal Health), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Delhi, India

(ii) Speaker: Prof. Subhasis Batabyal, Controller of Examination, WBUAFS

(iii) Speaker: Dr. Subir Bhattacharjee, Renowned Practitioner

11.00 AM

Tea Break

11.15 AM

Session 2:


Skill Development

Focused training on:

Soft Skills: Communication and networking (Interaction with professionals), AI based advancement, ICT etc

Technical Skills: Emerging tools and technologies in Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Chairman: Dr. Santanu Banik, Head, ICAR-NDRI, ERS, Kalyani, Nadia

Co-Chairman: Dr. Chandra Kanta Jana, PS, Veterinary Pathology Division, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnager, Bareilly, UP

Session Coordinator: Dr. Shamik Polley, Head, Dept .of Vety, Biochemistry, WBUAFS

(i) Speaker: Dr. Sourav Chatterjee, Sub Divisional Magistrate, Durgapur

(ii) Speaker: Dr. Goutam Mondal, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal





12.15 PM

Session 3:

Academic & Public Service Opportunities

Opportunities in advance studies and professional development                            

Chairman: Prof. Samit Kumar Nandi, National Professor, ICAR, WBUAFS

Co-Chairman: Prof. Chanchal Debnath, Professor, Dept. of VPH, WBUAFS

Session Coordinator: Dr. Ayan Mukherjee, Head, Dept .of Animal Biotechnology, WBUAFS

(i) Speaker: Dr. Ramanuj Banerjee (Online), Counsellor (Science & Technology), Embassy of India, Tiergartenstrabe 17, 10785 Berlin, Germany

(ii) Speaker: Dr. Sujit Dutta, Joint Commissioner, Animal Husbandry, Government of India

(iii) Speaker: Prof. Siddhartha Narayan Joardar, Professor, Dept. of Vety. Micro, WBUAFS

1:15 PM  

Lunch Break

2:00 PM  

Session 4:


Industry Role and Entrepreneurship

Role of Industry in Professional Development

Chairman: Prof Subhasis Biswas, Professor, Dept. of LPT, WBUAFS

Co-Chairman: Dr. Tapas Kumar Ghoshal, PS & Head, ICAR-CIFE, Kolkata

Session Coordinator: Dr. Ruma Jas, AssistantProfessor, Dept. of Vety. Parasitology, WBUAFS

(i) Speaker: Dr. Bhaskar Chaudhuri, Managing Director, Liebigs Agro Chem Pvt. Ltd

(ii) Speaker: Dr. Sushanta Saha, Regional Sales Director, S&SE, Asid Bentoli Agri Nutrition India Pvt. Ltd.





3:00 PM  


Workshop at 4 sites on subject stated in above four sessions                                                  

Chairman, Co-Chairman and Coordinator with the Speakers of the concerned session will conduct the respective workshop

4:30 PM  

Concluding session                          

Sum-up by experts including Feedback from participants and a vote of thanks.                                                                        

Chairmen of all sessions, speakers & officials from IJAH

Session Coordinator: Dr. Srinibas Das, Assistant Professor, Dept .of Fish Nutrition, WBUAFS